School Code: 41643 || UDISE Code: 06140101309
Welcome to Swami Guru Charan Dass S.D. Sr. Sec. School, Kalanaur (Rohtak), Haryana
At the Swami Guru Charan Dass S.D. Sr. Sec. School, Kalanaur (Rohtak), Haryana (School Code: 3275) ,we help the children to tap their hidden potential by exposing them to diverse opportunities and a large number of activities. The state board based, liberal education also helps them to rise above parochial mindsets and acquire a truly international outlook. In addition to this, children are trained to learn more by doing things themselves and trying out new ideas, taking failure and success in their stride, with all their energies focused on honest and purposeful effort.
"तत्कर्म यन्न बंधाय सा विद्या या विमुक्तये
आयासायापरम कर्म विद्यान्या शिल्पनैपुणम।।"
अर्थ है कि कर्म वही है जो बंधन में ना बांधे, विद्या वही है जो मुक्त करे. अन्य सभी कर्म केवल निरर्थक क्रिया व अन्य सभी अध्ययन केवल कारीगरी मात्र हैं.
Swami Guru Charan Dass S.D. Sr. Sec. School, Kalanaur (Rohtak)
Message from Principal
"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all".
The Golden years in school are not about lessons and homework but about growing and excelling in every way possible, to fit into the fast-changing and fast-progressing
world. Today’s change is bigger than yester years. We are witnessing changes in every field, where there is the struggle for existence, where the strongest and fittest are accepted and appreciated.
The primary responsibility for shaping the trajectory of a nation rests upon three pivotal figures: the mother, the father, and the teacher. Among these, educators hold a preeminent role, given their specialized training and dedicated service in molding young minds and guiding them toward a promising future.
Director's Desk

We aim to instil in them a shared perception of life which will draw them closer to their peers elsewhere, thus promoting a peaceful and harmonious environment where everyone can co-exist irrespective of caste, creed, and culture. Our motto is excellence in education and All round development of a child.
Manager's Desk

We live in a world of incredible change, where the knowledge and skills of the present are destined to be obsolete in a matter of years. The answer lies not so much in what we learn but in giving young people the tools, skills and knowledge to learn and to engender a lifelong passion for continuing to learn.
What We Have In Our School?
Salient Features:
We at school have built an inclusive atmosphere that values diverse experiences and is intended to empower and educate students.
- Smart Classrooms
- Computer Lab
- Science Labs
- Smart Library
- CCTV Surveillance
- Sports & Games
- Art & Craft
- Music & Dance

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